Saturday, May 4, 2013

Summer Snowboarding

Summer, summer, summer... everyone talks summer. This certainly is not good news for us snowboarders, because this means that the season is over and we have to wait till December to start riding again. Unless of course you're lucky enough to go to a snowboarding summer camp! That's right, you can snowboard ON REAL SNOW during summers. A place in Oregon called Timberline Lodge, at Mt. Hood is offering a summer camp program known as Windells Summer Snowboard Camp. This is slightly expensive, but truly amazing. Here, check out some highlights from 2012's summer camp.

Isn't this just great? I wish I could go there for a week some time. I can already tell you, that I am jealous of anyone who'll be there. If by any chance one of you guys will be there, make sure to share you experience! Makes us all jealous a little.

Well, as for me, I still have to work on my ankle and strengthen it, so the next season will be just as good or even better than the last.

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