Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gear Sale

You know what's the only good thing about the end of the season? Winter gear sales. If you're looking to purchase new gear for, this is one of the better, if not the best, times to purchase the equipment. A while ago there was a big sale at MetLife Stadium Club in New Jersey, where you could see really great bundles deals, which was probably the biggest sale event of the year, however the end of season time is also a great opportunity to acquire new equipment at reduced prices.

Just look at the web stores, - 40% off, - 70% off!, - 40% off. Where the discount may not apply to every accessory or item on the website, many necessary things are available for reduced price. For instance, Nitro T0 - almost 200$, that's 50% off. I actually am looking to upgrade something myself. I definitely am in need of new gloves and snow-pants  since both slightly ripped and give off heat as well as get wet faster.

I've noticed that local stores have a big sale too, especially in places where all season sporting goods are sold. Since the season is almost over, these stores make space for new, hot items for the summer, but for different genre of sports. Since they need space, the winter gear goes for big sales, and that's where we come in and get what we need/want for really low prices!

I will probably take advantage of this, and if you're looking for an upgrade and a new item, you should too visit your local store and check out snowboarding web-stores.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

R.I.P Winter!

Well, it's middle of April already and it looks like days of the 2012/2013 season are numbered. All of the mountains that I have visited are now closed, except of one, Mount Show. These guys are located in Vermont, while the rest of the mountains are mostly spread out in upstate NY. Sadly, it's time to say goodbye to winter.

As for the season summary for me, I guess I could say it was successful. I went out 9 times and tried many mountains. Mostly I snowboarded in Belleayre, however Windham, Mountain Creek, Camelback and Mount Snow will see my comeback in the upcoming season. I've been boarding for 3 seasons now and I can say with confidence that this is the one that mattered the most. Previously I'd go 2 maybe 3 times per season, but now me and my friends pushed ourselves (and our wallets) and just went for it. I learned many new things, few tricks, improved my riding, bought some gear, and acquired unforgettable memories. Although I ended up in crutches by the end, I still can tell you that it was an enjoyable season.

Throughout the summer I'll do my best to recuperate from my injury and work out to be in better shape for winter 2013/2014. You see, the next winter will be epic. I gain more and more motivation each day just as my friends do, and we are planning to go big or go home for the next season. So it looks like i'll be either a great snowboarder or end up in crutches again. I'm just kidding about the crutches. It's in my best intentions to progress even more and have a blast in 2013/2014.

If you still have snow in your resorts, and you'll be riding soon,you're in lucky.

That's it for now, let's find some nice and exciting summer activities! Cheers!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Let's Talk Helmets.

Since snowboarding is considered an extreme sport, wearing a helmet seems like a wise choice. Some people like wearing them, some don't. Today, in may snowboarding communities, there is this little problem. Let's say a user posts a picture of them jumping off a 15 ft kicker without a helmet. All of a sudden you see a ton of posts and comments saying how irresponsible the rider is for not wearing one. The choice is his, period.

Who am I to say that everyone should be wearing helmets? Many professionals do not wear one, simply because it obstructs their vision and mobility. As some people may view this as "stupid" or irresponsible, if the rider feels that he'll be in better control without helmet, then simply let it be.

I actually do wear a helmet. I'm not an expert snowboarder, so I occasionally made mistakes that make me land on my bottom, however this isn't the only reason. I think the main reason that I am wearing a helmet is the external factor, specifically other riders. It doesn't matter how good I am, how slow or fast I can ride or what jumps can I hit, because most of the time, it's other people that are the cause of accidents, hence why wearing a helmet in ski resorts is a great idea in my opinion.

On top of that, just last time when I went out, I hit my head on a bench, for making a silly mistake. If you ask me, helmet is recommended accessory when snowboarding, however I am not judging other riders for not wearing one. After all it's their choice, and if they feel same without wearing a helmet, it's perfectly fine with me.

Too bad other people do not see it this way...

Friday, April 5, 2013

Reddit Snowboarding

All right, I'm about to share with one of the best websites for snowboarding (and everything else really) ever. If you don't know it already, the website is called Reddit. There is the subreddit called snowboarding you'll find a great community of snowboarders and instructors.

People post their favorite videos, pictures, they publish their own content like shots and edits. Also you'll find many interesting articles and discussions about snowboarding related issues. Once there was a thread about helmet safety and people just kept going and going on it, some claiming that helmets are must, others saying that it's entirely up to the rider, since he/she will be responsible.

Anyways, I thought I'd give this to you, it's a very fun and resourceful forum. If you have any great website worth checking out, be sure to provide some links and share it.