Friday, March 1, 2013

Maintenance time

It's been 3 years since I started snowboarding. Some seasons I'd go five times on the slopes, some two, but this year it's been quite a run. After eighth trip this season I decided to finally work a little on the edges of my board. After all, my 158 Ride Machete hadn't been tuned/detuned yet.

After me and my friend waxed our gear last night (to get ready for our weekend trip to Windham!), I've noticed some burrs on the edges of my board. So today, in the early morning, I grabbed a file and a sharpening stone, and finally took care of this imperfection. While at it, I also detuned contact points of the board, so I can finally try doing some "butters" without easily catching an edge! Since I live on east coast, which is known to have icy conditions on trails, I sharpened the sides just a little bit. Hopefully that'll keep me in control over icy patches on the slopes.

I also took care of the chipped top coating. I didn't have an epoxy, so instead I used p-tex  (maybe it'll do the trick). I think I messed up a little bit. The p-tex burned a little and instead of becoming clear on the surface, it turned slightly dark, a brownish burned color if you will. That shouldn't be any problem however, since it's only top coating, and as long as the board handles well, aesthetics don't matter as much. I guess it was all a rookie mistake, besides, it was my first time using that thing.

Anyways, after some maintenance my board is finally ready to do some major shredding! All we need now is great weather for the weekend and we're set. Sunday, here we come!

And as always, keep on shredding.

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