Friday, March 8, 2013

Windham Mountain trip!

Guess what? We made it to Windham last weekend and it was ... well, read to find out.

I'll have to say, at first I was a little skeptical about this trip. On Feb. 12th (Lincoln's Birthday) we went to Windham and the conditions were absolutely horrid. There wasn't enough snow, you could see grass on the trails and the rest was covered in ice. I guess that the rest of the Catskill mountains weren't in their best shape either since it was getting warmer and warmer, which was eating into the base of the trails. Back then, I wasn't too satisfied with our trip.

On Sunday, March 3rd however, much has changed. Late season started. I expected the conditions to be somewhat like last time. I thought I'd give Windham another shot, seeing as my friends wanted to ride Windham before season ends. And I have to say, I'M GLAD I WENT! The conditions were absolutely amazing! So much snow and powder! Many trails have been groomed and many had a natural snow. The terrain parks were well maintained and there was no ice at all! It was snowing for most of the day, and it was a little cloudy, but later the sun came up and it was wonderful. For March weather, it was amazing.

This was also the first time I've gotten mode hang time in air, on jumps. The day was great and I was excited to hit a medium size jump for the very first time. It was a little frightening at first, especially the part when I was approaching the kicker and I couldn't see the landing. Even though I crashed many times I think I learnt a thing or two about jumping and landing. Actually, here's a video of my fall:

I didn't have enough speed, so I partially landed on the knuckle (even though it was pretty flat) which threw me off balance. I hurt my bottom throughout the day, but it was worth it. After all, if you won't fall, you'll never learn.

In the end, I had a great time. I found courage to hit a medium size jump and had great time with my friends. All of this combined with great weather conditions, made me change my mind about Windham! I'd be glad to go there again.

This Sunday maybe I'll visit Mt. Snow in Vermont, let's hope that everything goes as planned.

Also I'd like to thank my friend Jarek for shooting some videos from our trip.

Keep on shredding.

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